The Sales Tune Up
Jul 03, 2023
Before they had electronic ignition, and way before they became computers on wheels, cars used to need regular tune-ups.
Back then, you’d replace old or worn out components like spark plugs & wires, engine filters, fuel filters, and set ignition timing about every 12,000 miles. The purpose was to improve engine performance & efficiency.
My first two cars required tune-ups. And after each one you could feel the difference in horsepower and even miles per gallon. Sluggishness gone. The cars performing like they’re supposed to.
We’re no different. Every so often, we as salespeople or relationship managers or sales support people or sales managers need a tune up to improve our performance & efficiency.
And the end of a quarter is a great time to schedule it.
If you make presentations every week, it’s easy for them to start feeling stale after a while. And when that happens, you can start losing your enthusiasm for doing them. Taking a break from doing them helps, but aside from taking vacation, not really practical. After all, it’s a major part of your job.
But what you can do is get a presentation tune up. And, you DON’T have to go through a multi-day presentation class to do so. You could give your presentation to a presentation expert, and in an hour or two they could give you feedback on what’s working great, what you could work on, including creative ideas that will give it more pop. You end up with a stronger, fresher presentation and get your enthusiasm back.
Or, perhaps you weren’t satisfied with the last negotiation you were involved in. It could be with a client, a partner or even internal. In your negotiation tune up, you could walk through that negotiation with an expert and they can help you correct what went wrong and what to do instead. You don’t have to go through another 2-day negotiating class to improve your performance. Just get a one-hour negotiating tune up.
You can get tune-ups in any area of the sales process – key steps or key skills – where you want to improve performance. From prospecting and getting into an account to better questioning, better listening, developing coaches, handling objections – you name it – tune ups are an excellent way to improve performance with a small investment of your time.
Reflect on Q2 performance and as you look forward to the second half of the year, in what area(s) do you think you need a tune up?
Enjoy the fourth and have a great week!
P.S. I’d hate to make an improvement suggestion and then leave you hanging so let me tell you what I’m offering. Custom sales tune-ups. For subscribers only. Here’s how it works. You tell me what you want to work on (e.g. your presentation). Send me background info (e.g. a recording of you giving the presentation). I’ll review it and then you and I hop on a call for an hour where I give you feedback, improvement suggestions, and answer any questions you have. We can do this with almost any area or skill in the sales process. My normal hourly coaching fee is $295. But your investment in a one-on-one tune up is only $95. It’s a way for you to work with me in a low-cost and hopefully high impact way. Just send me an email if you’re interested: [email protected] and I’ll send you the details.
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