Prove It
Sep 05, 2023
If the proof of the pudding is in the tasting, then the proof of us being the best choice is only believed when our clients and prospects experience it.
People are skeptical of salespeople & what they claim. Clients and prospects automatically lump us in with less truthful, less honorable salespeople they’ve interacted with. So, we’re often guilty until proven innocent.
How do we prove our innocence? How do we start to chip away at that wall of doubt? By proving we’re not like the others.
The rule of thumb is: Don’t say it. Prove it.
And here’s how we do that:
Prove that you respect their time by showing up to meetings early, organized, and with a good message that’s based on solid research.
Prove that you’re a good listener by listening actively. Give non-verbal acknowledgements so they can see them. Restate or paraphrase key statements they’ve made. Clarify things that aren’t clear. Take notes and not dictation.
Prove your company’s expertise. Instead of saying, “We have a number of clients who have had this same problem…”, after the prospect has mentioned their challenge, ask a smart question that shows you get it. “When you’re (doing a particular task) do you also run into this issue?” People care about what you can do for them not about what you’ve done. And, we all love talking to people who really get it.
Prove you know how to work with clients just like them. Instead of mentioning 10 “big name” clients to a smaller prospect to try to impress them, instead talk about smaller, lesser known clients and how you helped them. Prove you know how to work with smaller clients.
Prove you know how to solve complex problems by getting into the details of a problem and the solution you came up with for a client. Details prove expertise, not generalities.
Prove that you’re reliable by meeting your commitments.
Prove that you’re an asset by bringing them ideas that make them better.
In summary: Spend less time talking about what you’ve done or can do and start showing them what you can do. You’ll see your credibility skyrocket.
Have a great week!
P.S. Hitting our yearly goals is often predicated on big Q4 sales. And we sometimes give too much away in order to close them. My All-Win Negotiating System is designed to prevent that. Send me a message if you’re interested in something for yourself or your team in October or November. [email protected].
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